TARGET’s consortium brings together the diverse expertise of leading academic institutions in 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the UK). It is composed of 19 partners, representing 8 Academic partners: LJMU, URV, UoL, VUB, INTP, LU, CERTH and TUW (bringing expertise in data management, AI/ML, virtual twins, model visualisations, gaming systems, tool development, clinical lead for AF and stroke, and stakeholder involvement activities), 6 Hospitals: IMIM, LHCH, LUHFT, RI, RUMC, UMFST (for retrospective data provision, to run the prospective clinical studies, and to provide expertise in the three pillars of the project), 4 Companies: SRL, SHS and Isansys Lifecare GmbH (for development of mechanistic virtual twins and the required monitoring technologies) and Moverim (for dissemination and exploitation activities), and 1 Charity: Arrhythmia Alliance (for patients and public involvement).
TARGET Principal Investigator
Dr. Sandra Ortega-Martorell
Liverpool John Moores University
TARGET Coordinator
Prof. Mattias Ohlsson
Lunds Universitet
Methodological Leader
Dr. Ivan Olier
Liverpool John Moores University
Clinical Leader
Prof. Gregory Lip
University of Liverpool